Like all other machines, air conditioners have a shelf life. They get old and wear out, and may not give the best service even with maintenance. It is good to know the age of the machine before making the decision on whether to replace or repair it.

Good air conditioners are known to give up to a maximum of 15 years' service if well-maintained. Although, some are likely to go beyond based on the number of hours they're left to run daily.

There are different ways to determine whether your air conditioner needs replacing or not. For instance, one of the most commonly known problems that air conditioners normally cause when they're nearing phase out is power wastage. They tend to consume a lot of power but offer very little service to the owners.

Under such circumstances, you may want to know the age of your air conditioner before deciding whether to repair or replace the unit. From an experience perspective, it would be best to replace air conditioners aged above 15 years.

It is also critical to note that currently, most nations are facing out R22-based cooling units. The reason is that such machines use Freon, which is a known ozone-depleting substance. If you cannot establish this feature in your machine, please contact a professional.

Why replace?

Generally, it is good to replace your machine with the latest technology not only to keep up with the current trend and stay modern, but also to help create a greener planet.

Most of the current air conditioning unit are designed to reduce environmental pollution, which also helps to improve the overall health of individuals using the machines.

It is also advisable to choose the best quality and size of machine to fit the warming and cooling requirements of your office space. The implication is that it is always good to know the air conditioner's ratings versus the size of the office and the number of individuals assigned to that office.

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